Stands were packed Valentines day’s night as students funneled into the Wolfpack’s home, Tournament Capital Centre in order to cheer on the men and women’s volleyball teams in their last series of regular season games of the school year.
“Hype Night” seemed to live up to its name as crowds would erupt in support of the pack in their endeavors against the Brandon Bobcats. The men’s team started off the night with an intense, back and forth game, where both teams fought hard for the upper hand but in the end succumbed to the Bobcats, losing 24-26 in the 4th set. The women’s game, however, was a lot more one sided.
The Wolfpack women’s volleyball team, nationally ranked at a respectable 10th place, was able to make their home crowd proud as they obtained a commanding, decisive victory in just 3 sets, bettering their record to put them into a better position going into the fast-approaching playoffs next weekend.

In addition to the exciting games for Wolfpack fans, the packed crowd was able to witness Wolfpack history being made as the 4th year men’s volleyball player, Sam Flowerday broke the all-time program record for service aces. Sam, along with Matthew Hamilton are both graduating this year, as such, this will be their last weekend playing for the pack. After the men’s game, there was a brief ceremony in which sentimental words were shared as a way to send them both off and to acknowledge the massive impact they have both had on the program over the years. When asked about Flowerday’s record-breaking serve, he replied with “I’m just glad was able to get the record in before I leave.”
The Wolfpack and Bobcats now gear up for their Saturday night game, in which all teams will fight to make final adjustments to their season records to ensure better standings going into playoffs.